Trusted by 100+ GTM teams at

Book more meetings with the same headcount

More hiring, more activity, more volume to get more leads doesn't work like it used to. Cold outbound is harder than ever. Instead, build trust with buyers, educate them, and reach out to buyers showing intent.

Buyers overwhelmed

The average decision maker gets 80 cold outbounds per day across email, LinkedIn, and cold calls. Impossible to reach them.

No one wants to connect with sales

Buyers don’t want to connect and get pitch slapped. Strangers are sent straight to junk

More volume isn't the answer

You can't just increase activity to book more meetings. You'll see your emails marked spam and numbers blacklisted.

Create demand

Get every exec and seller sharing thought leadership

Turn real conversations with customers in sales calls into thought leadership posts so you can stay top of mind and attract similar buyers. 3 mins editing and it's live.

The result is more buyers connecting, following, coming inbound, and responding to outbound.

Integrates with Gong, Chorus, Clari, Fireflies, Grain, and Zoom Cloud Recording.

Capture demand

Find hand raisers who want to talk to you

Find ICP buyers who are already thinking about you, your competition, or problems you solve. Letterdrop finds conversations you should be a part of and everyone in your orbit.

Book meetings

Relevant and thoughtful outbound

Sync relevant leads along with their activity to your CRM. Or push them into outbound sequences in Apollo, Outreach, Salesloft, Zapier, or Clay. We'll also tell you what you should say based on how the leads are thinking about you.

Old school prospecting

without Letterdrop
Buy a list of accounts
Drop everyone in a sequence for cold email and cold calling
1% success rate
Most people are not in market. And it's hard to connect with them. So you will get results, but it will be a challenge.
Sellers stuck chasing unrealistic activity
Missed targets? Let's do more calls, send more email, send more DMs. End up in spam and burned out.
Miss targets and actual buyers who want to talk to you
Since you are spread thin, you ignore the buyers who might actually be in market. You should have been building relationships with them and reaching out at the right time.

Work smarter, not just harder

with Letterdrop
Understand how buyers think
Letterdrop listens to your sales calls to learn what buyers are asking.
Bring buyers to you with thought leadership
Thoughtful LinkedIn posts drafted for you sourced from real conversations you've had. Get in front of as many buyers as possible by maxing our your connection requests and having your team like and comment on posts.
Start building relationships
Buyers start following you, connecting with you, maybe even coming inbound. You've earned their trust.
Start conversations with buyers
Watch for buyers in your orbit expressing interest or talking about problems you solve and reach out with tailored messaging that gets a 20% reply rate.

It's easy to go after these low hanging fruit opportunities and doesn't distract from existing your existing prospecting.
Boom! You just blew through your targets by nurturing buyers not in market and pouncing on the ones who are.

Hesitations or objections? We have answers

Who should use Letterdrop?

If you run LinkedIn ads or DM prospects, Letterdrop is probably a good fit. It'll improve your inbound, help your sellers stay top of mind with buyers, get more responses, and give you more data for who to outbound or retarget.

Letterdrop is less likely a fit if you're not sales-led, you have only one seller, or if you don't currently use LinkedIn in any capacity to prospect or advertise.

Which industries are a best fit for this LinkedIn playbook?

We've seen the most success for companies in two categories:
1. You sell to buyers in Sales, Marketing, or HR. These people are on LinkedIn every day.
2. You sell to a skeptical or technical buyer where could outbound is hard. You need to educate decision makers. Think Cybersecurity, IT decision makers, CTOs.

We've seen Letterdrop work for all kinds of buyers in other industries like BIM managers in construction or CFOs. So don't count LinkedIn out as a strategy. You'd be surprised.

Why can't I just keep cold outbounding the old way?

You can... it's just that most people are seeing diminishing returns on more cold activity. A small percentage of your market is ready to buy at any time. So you should consider educating publicly and then focusing your outreach to hand raisers showing interest. We help you go after low hanging fruit instead of just banging your head against cold lists, relying purely on volume, and spamming your TAM.

Here's a clip from a BDR we interviewed. His connect rate, reply rate, and inbound are all through the roof after he started social selling. There's no reason this can't be you. You can also see numbers from our own study here.

Ready to book more meetings?

Most sales teams are sending more email, DMs, and making calls to hit targets but seeing diminishing returns. By adding value and being smart about who you reach out to, you can book more meetings without spending a ton more time. There's pipeline waiting to be captured - we help you get it.