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min read
May 21, 2024

17 ChatGPT Use Cases and Prompts for SEO

Parthi Loganathan
CEO of Letterdrop, former Product Manager on Google Search


  • ChatGPT can be used for keyword extraction, title generation, meta titles and descriptions, search intent identification, buyer journey stage classification, expanding on talking points, targeting writing frameworks, summarizing top articles, and editing and correcting grammar.
  • However, ChatGPT has limitations and cannot provide insights into data like keyword volume, write complete articles, perform internal linking, identify pages needing updates, analyze multiple pages at once, analyze audio and video, or integrate deeply into workflows.
  • Letterdrop offers a more comprehensive AI solution for content SEO automation, including internal linking, SEO refresh detection, and information gain suggestions.

As a Content Marketer heavily invested in the world of SEO, you've probably started wondering how ChatGPT and Google Bard will impact your job. That's a fair concern. If you don't know how they work or how to use AI to do your job better, you risk falling behind in your career.

Content marketers and SEO specialists who learn to adapt AI to do better at their jobs are far more employable — and are far more likely to nab those career boosts. ChatGPT will not replace your job, but a marketer who knows how to use AI to be more efficient will.

Don't panic. We'll teach you how to be the top dog marketer who uses AI and wins the job over laggards.

How ChatGPT Works: A Non-Technical Explanation

A lot of people think ChatGPT is like Skynet from Terminator or the machines from The Matrix. It's not an all-knowing super intelligence that's going to enslave us (yet).

ChatGPT relies on AI models called Large Language Models (LLMs). OpenAI trained these models on the internet.

At a very high level, LLMs predict the next "token" given some text.

For example, if I say, "We complete each other's..." and pause, you might say, "sentences." Or maybe you watched Frozen one too many times and say "sandwiches" instead.

Why did you do that? You've read so much that you just know what's going to come next. LLMs are doing the exact same thing, except they've read the entirety of the internet. It turns out that if you train LLMs on enough data, predicting the next word starts to show something that resembles "intelligence."

So now you can use natural language prompts to answer questions, roleplay scenarios, write drafts to emails or essays, hold conversations, explain code... you get the idea.

It's similar to that old "infinite monkey" theorem. The logic goes that if you had infinite monkeys pressing keys at typewriters forever, they would eventually write stuff on Shakespeare's level.

The "Infinite Monkey" theorem in The Simpsons

How Much Can You Trust ChatGPT?

Great, so now that you know how ChatGPT works, you'll be able to better understand what it can and cannot do for you.

As of the time of writing, ChatGPT is trained on data up to April 2023, which means:

  • Its knowledge is dated. This will be updated as newer models come out, but it will likely never be in real-time. You can't ask about something that happened last week.

ChatGPT is trained on information up to 2021
ChatGPT is trained on information up to 2021
  • It can lie, make up answers or "hallucinate." Because it randomly generates the next token or string of words related to your prompt, it can and will make up stuff that sounds convincing but isn't true.
  • It doesn't have access to data. You can't ask it about home prices, company valuations, or keyword search volume. ‎‎‎But, with ChatGPT plugins, you can give it access to read live data. It can perform operations, analyze them for you, and answer your questions.

ChatGPT doesn
ChatGPT doesn't have access to data

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

We've seen articles out there claiming to have 30+ ChatGPT SEO prompts — but frankly, some of those use cases are completely null-and-void given that it doesn't have access to real data, such as keyword data.

Here's a list of nine use cases and SEO prompts that are a) helpful and b) actually possible.

1. Keyword Extraction From Text

This is a handy trick to identify and extract an article's primary keywords and get an idea of what it's about.

This can also give you direction for valuable related keywords that you can look up using keyword tools like Semrush or Ahrefs.

Prompt: Extract all the keywords from this article [paste article]

ChatGPT can extract keywords
ChatGPT can extract keywords

2. Keyword Clustering

You can prompt ChatGPT to cluster your keywords for you.

Prompt: Cluster the following keywords based on their semantic relevance

ChatGPT can cluster given keywords
ChatGPT can cluster given keywords

3. Finding Optimized FAQs or Long-Tail Keywords on a Topic


You are an SEO expert who creates optimized SEO content with keywords. Can you provide me with [#] FAQs focused on [Topic/s]? These topics should include long-tail keywords with search volume or People Also Ask questions from Google's SERPs.

Note: ChatGPT 4 or 4-o would be needed for access to the SERPs.

Finding FAQs on a given topic
Finding FAQs on a given topic

4. Title Generation

Are you wracking your brain for the perfect title for your article? ChatGPT can help you write titles based on context, given SEO keywords, your ICP, and more.

It helps to rein in the AI with a very explicit prompt, which can help you avoid overly whimsical, wordy, or "keyword-stuffy" titles.

Prompt 1: Write me 3 titles [enter some context for your article here]. Avoid overly wordy titles. Avoid/include [enter your modifiers here] language.

ChatGPT can help you write titles
ChatGPT can help you write titles

Prompt 2: Suggest a list of titles based on these SEO keywords [insert keyword list here]

ChatGPT can help write titles based on keywords
ChatGPT can help write titles based on keywords

Prompt 3: Suggest a list of titles based on these SEO keywords and on [target audience]

ChatGPT can help write titles based on audience
ChatGPT can help write titles based on audience

5. Generating Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions

Much like the above, ChatGPT can help with crafting metadata.

Rein in the AI with very specific instructions as necessary.

Prompt: Can you write a meta title and meta description for this article? [Paste article]

ChatGPT can generate meta titles and descriptions
ChatGPT can generate meta titles and descriptions

6. Identify Search Intent

ChatGPT can help you figure out whether your keyword search intent is informational, transactional, navigational, or commercial.

You can even ask it to put this information in a table for you.

Prompt: Classify the search intents for the following keywords in a table format [insert keywords here]

ChatGPT can help classify search intent for keywords
ChatGPT can help classify search intent for keywords

7. Identify Buyer Journey Stage

ChatGPT can help you identify the stage that your buyer is at when they're searching, which can help you better target them.

Prompt: Classify what stage of the buyer journey these keywords fall under in a table format [insert keywords here]

ChatGPT can help classify buyer journey phase
ChatGPT can help classify buyer journey phase

8. Creating an E-E-A-T Analysis


You will act as a Google Search Quality Rater. I’m giving you the content for the homepage of a [business category] company. I’m also giving you the HTML for that same page. This page ranks for “[provide keyword]”. Rate the page against the E-E-A-T criteria in the Search Quality Rater Guidelines.

[Copy and paste your entire page here (don’t worry about formatting)]

Note: ChatGPT 4 or 4-o would be needed for more up-to-date access to the internet.

ChatGPT's EEAT analysis for content

9. Telling a Positive Narrative with Metrics

This is great for aggregating customer testimonials for your website.

Prompt: Rewrite the following metrics to tell a positive narrative using the below core performance callouts. [Insert metrics here.]

A positive narrative written by ChatGPT for given metrics
A positive narrative written by ChatGPT for given metrics

10. Creating a Regex for Google Search Console or Google Analytics


Please create a regex that will work on Google Search Console for the pages below. Please don't group these into similar topics, just create a regex string that will show all the specific URLs I listed below.

[Paste list of URLs here]

Note: ChatGPT 4 or 4-o would be needed for more up-to-date access to the internet.

Creating Regex for Google Search Console
Creating Regex for Google Search Console

11. Fixing Errors with Schema Code


I am getting an error for this schema code. The error flagged is "[Paste schema error message here]". Please find the error and let me know what it is. Once the error is identified, please provide me with new working schema code.

Identifying and fixing error codes for schema
Identifying and fixing error codes for schema

12. Creating a Redirect Map


Attached are two lists of URLs. I need help creating a redirect map of the Old URL to the New URL. Rely on the slug of the URL to find the closest match. The lists may not be the same length.

The goal is to find a matching URL for every URL on the Old URLs list. Please export the results into a CSV file. Column A should be the Old URLs and column B should have the corresponding URL from the New URL list. Column C should have the Similarity Percentage.

Note: Requires GPT-4o for detailed and accurate mapping.

Creating a redirect map
Creating a redirect map

13. Creating an Internal Link Audit


Here is a list of URLs from my website:

[Paste list of URLs here]

Follow-up Prompts:

  1. Please read each of the URLs listed above so you have an understanding of what each URL is about. Once you have an understanding of all the URLs, I will then ask you to help provide internal linking opportunities to a new piece of content I’ll provide you with.
  2. Please utilize only the links from the previous list, look through all the URLs provided and find the best 5 opportunities to link to this page [Paste in the URL of the page you want to build internal links to] which is about [Brief description of the post].
  3. Can you read this article [URL of page that will have new internal link added to it] and give me 1-2 opportunities in the existing text on the page to internally link to this article [URL of the page we want to build links to]? Please give me the text that could serve as the anchor text for this internal link.

Note: Requires GPT-4o for site access.

Internal link mapping suggestions
Internal link mapping suggestions

14. Expand on Talking Points

The AI can help you dive deeper by expanding on a point for you.

Prompt: Can you expand on the following point: why you need to build internal links for your site

Prompt 2: Can you write me a basic outline

ChatGPT can expand on talking points and follow frameworks
ChatGPT can expand on talking points and follow frameworks

15. Identify How to Target a Writing Framework

Sometimes you're faced with a topic and aren't sure how to execute on it from a framework perspective.

ChatGPT can help you organize your argument for SEO, PASO, BLUF, and TAS frameworks.

Prompt: What would a basic SEO article structure look like for the keyword "How to optimize for information gain"?

ChatGPT can help target writing frameworks
ChatGPT can help target writing frameworks

16. Summarize Top Articles on the SERP for Your Keyword

This is helpful when it comes to targeting complete coverage in your own article and hitting all the necessary topics to rank.

Prompt: Summarize the following article into bullet points

ChatGPT can summarize other articles for you
ChatGPT can summarize other articles for you

17. Editing And Correcting Grammar

Grammarly license who? Let ChatGPT do some proofreading for you.

Prompt: Please correct any grammatical, spelling, or syntax errors in this paragraph.

Let ChatGPT correct grammar and spelling errors
Let ChatGPT correct grammar and spelling errors

What Can You NOT Use ChatGPT For in SEO?

The free and earlier versions of ChatGPT are not advanced enough for thorough SEO checks. There are a bunch of things that those particular models can't do for you:

  • It can't give insight into data like keyword volume. As I've mentioned, it doesn't have access to search data.
  • It can't write complete articles for you that will drive traffic. With Google SGE on its way, Google doesn't need purely AI-written content. It can do that on its own.
  • It can't do internal linking. It doesn't have access to your site.
  • It can't tell you what pages need an update. It doesn't have access to Google Search Console results.
  • It can't analyze dozens of pages at once. Its context window is too small for this.
  • It can't analyze audio and video. It needs to be combined with other tools to get a transcript on a video or audio first.
  • It's a lot of work. ChatGPT is not deeply integrated into your workflows, so it's a lot of switching tabs and copy/pasting. Chat is also not the best user interface for a lot of problems.

So yes, ChatGPT can do a whole bunch of SEO tasks for you, but you can't rely on it alone. Even the later models can exaggerate or outright lie.

There's A Better Way to Use AI for SEO

Worried ChatGPT is too limited and can't do everything you want it to do?

Letterdrop uses ChatGPT's models like GPT-4, amongst others, live keyword data, and your company's own proprietary data like call transcripts and marketing sites to help you truly automate your content SEO problems.

Letterdrop can do things like automate internal linking, detect pages in need of an SEO refresh, and automatically suggest sections that will increase your information gain.

It's a tool built to take a lot of jobs to be done in content SEO off your hands, so you can focus on more strategic and creative work.

Use AI Tools to Free Up Time

You can stop doom scrolling through Twitter threads on Generative AI now.

Tools like ChatGPT are just that — tools. It can take some mundane SEO basics off your hands, which leaves you more time for high-level strategy and more impactful work.

Think of ChatGPT as a 24/7 intern that can ready and synthesize information very fast.

AI is here to stay, so you can either learn how to use it to your advantage or fall behind.

Letterdrop makes use of GPT technology and, with it, can take SEO automation to the next level. Talk to us to let AI really do the heavy lifting.‎

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