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June 19, 2024

How to Create a Linkedin Campaign Around a Product or Feature

Keelyn Hart
Content Writer at Letterdrop

Not sure what to create content around for LinkedIn campaigns?

Think about the buyer journey and what the buyer needs answered before they buy.


  1. Use the following steps as questions to an expert in the space
  2. Use the given templates to structure your campaigns

6 Steps and Templates for a Feature-Focused LinkedIn Campaign

1. What Is the Problem?

Tell a story around the problem and why the current way of doing things is broken.

Formats: posts, carousels, and videos.

Problem-Aware Post Template

Tech Fatigue is slowing your revenue team down. 

-Leaders don’t have a single view of their business
-Reps are under increasing pressure to perform
-RevOps scramble to maintain tech stack and make sense of multiple datasets

Buying all this tech was well-intentioned. But now it’s slowing you down, and breaking down your revenue process.

Clari’s the *only* unified platform to run revenue like a process, so you can 

- Accelerate your Time to Revenue
- Simplify your revenue workflows to spend their time actually selling.
- Consolidate your revenue tech and data — without compromising on capabilities

It’s time to put Tech Fatigue to bed, and turn Revenue Leak into Revenue Precision.

Out with the old way. In with the new way to revenue.

Problem-Aware Carousel Template

Slide 1: Announcing the problem

Slide 2: Show today's solution

Slide 3: Show the cost of today's solution

Slide 4: Proposed solution or better use case

Slide 5: Link to a resource

A problem-aware carousel from boohoo
A problem-aware carousel from boohoo

2. Why Solve This Problem?

Most problems don't need to be fixed immediately. They usually burn away silently until they become a priority.

Help you buyer understand what it costs them to leave this problem unsolved.

Formats: posts, carousels, and videos.

Problem-Aware Post Template

85% of content marketers we surveyed can't properly tie content to revenue.

This is a problem. 

‎Between 2022 and 2023, there was a 198% spike in layoffs in the US, with a significant proportion focused on marketing teams.

This is no coincidence.

Marketers need to speak the language of revenue, or risk losing their jobs.

We conducted a survey on a pool of marketers.

Here's what we found: 

🔍 ‎HubSpot is the primary tool used for attribution tracking

🔍 ‎Prospects engage with 2-5 pieces of content before entering the sales funnel

🔍 ‎MQLs are a (mis)leading primary KPI (43%)

🔍 ‎Sales-led companies prioritize pipeline tracking over their PLG counterparts

If you're interested in reading more, I've dropped the link to the full report in the comments.

Problem-Aware Carousel Template

Slide 1: Announcing the problem

Slide 2: Cost of the problem

Slide 3: Cost of the problem

Slide 4: Proposed solution or better use case

Slide 5: Link to a resource

3. How Is Your Solution Helpful?

From here, your options are:

  • doing nothing
  • hacking together a solution yourself
  • getting in-house teams to work on one or outsourcing agencies to put one together
  • buying other tools

You need to help your prospective buyers understand who your solution is best for versus alternatives.

Formats: posts, carousels, and videos.

Solution-Aware Post Template

Most SEO tools are sabotaging your success.

Here's how:

The most popular SEO tools are optimized to help you game @Google‎'s ranking system and to get more traffic. 

It sounds great on paper, but it shouldn't be your end goal. 

Ranking above your competitors and capturing search traffic is the BARE MINIMUM, not the the North Star. 

What really matters is the ✨ quality ✨ of traffic, not the quantity. 

Would you rather 10,000 views and 1 conversion? 

Or 150 views and 10 conversions? 

I know which one I want! 

@Letterdrop can get you to content parity with competitors top ranking posts in seconds. That's not even the good part. That's just table-stakes. 

To generated SQLs and SQOs from SEO content, you need to create content that your prospects want. 

Keyword research WILL NOT help you here. 

You need to go directly to the source – to the prospects themselves. 

Letterdrop's AI takes insights, questions, objections and more from your @Gong‎ sales calls, and automatically turns them into SEO optimized blog post masterpieces.

You can't get more "optimized" than that. 

Flip your focus away from vanity traffic and instead start tracking QUALIFIED traffic. That's all that really matters in the end. 

*lean in closer, I need to whisper this last part*

Let your competitors use those apps that do generic keyword stuffing and ranking difficulty games to try and win. They never will. It can be our inside joke. 

Solution-Aware Carousel Template

Slide 1: Announce the problem

Slide 2: Show what the current way of doing things is

Slide 3: Show why this is slow / outdated

Slide 4: Propose your solution

Slide 5: Showcase your solution

Slide 6: Step 1 of your solution

Slide 7: Step 2 of your solution

Slide 8: Step 3 of your solution

Slide 9: Step 4 of your solution

Slide 10: CTA

4. How to Demo Your Product

You need to show off your product in action on a real use case so customers can visualize it.

Getting a customer to do the demo is even more powerful and relatable.

Use a video and drop a link to an interactive demo or helpful documentation in the comments.

Formats: Demo videos and interactive demos.

Demo Video Template

Hi, I'm Parthi, founder and CEO of Letterdrop. A question I often ask my marketing team is: which of our efforts is actually driving revenue? Historically, producing a lot of content has been great, and directionally, you know that it's doing something for your brand, something in terms of pipeline generation, but it's been very hard to draw a straight line from the things that you're producing to actual closed-won revenue.

That's where Letterdrop comes in. We turn that kind of guesswork into insights that you can use for growth. With Letterdrop, once you connect to your CRM, website, and IP anonymization software, we can help you understand which content sources pipeline, what content is accelerating pipeline or in-cycle deals, and finally, what content is actually influencing closed-won revenue. Not only that, we help you understand which individual pieces are doing that.

This is important for me to know because I want to understand which pieces of content I want to be redistributing, repurposing, and defending, because I know they've historically driven revenue for us. Right now, about 80% of your content efforts probably aren't doing anything for you. It's really important to identify the 20% that's actually driving revenue so that you can create more of that.

What's more, I can dig deeper into any of these and understand what they're doing for us in terms of overall traffic from Google or generally what is their influence on our pipeline and which accounts are actually visiting them. I can also sort these by where in the pipeline they're influencing actual customers. I can look across all of these customers, and we can label them for you based on what they're consuming. For example, I can see that this account cares about SEO and social selling. That's an indication for my demand team, for my SDR team, to actually outbound or retarget this account based on what they've consumed.

Historically, we can drill down into one of these accounts and understand their buyer journey: what have they been consuming on LinkedIn, what are they liking, engaging, and commenting on, what types of web pages are they visiting, what are they consuming, and how many engaged accounts are there. We're doing this not only across your website and LinkedIn but also across your sales calls as well. I can see everything from which accounts are engaging with us on LinkedIn to what they're reading on our website to what they are asking us on sales calls.

Once you understand that, you can replicate it and figure out the ideal buyer journey you want to move more customers towards. That's where we're headed with Letterdrop: helping you understand the source of pipeline in terms of your marketing assets and how you can make and run intelligent campaigns based on that data.

Interactive Demo Template and Example

An interactive demo from (formerly Rocketbots.)

An interactive demo from (formerly Rocketbots.)
An interactive demo from (formerly Rocketbots.)

Here's a typical step-by-step for interactive demos:

Step 1: Define User Personas

Start by defining user personas. Create a profile that includes crucial details about your users and potential customers.

Step 2: Outline the Customer Journey

Chart the customer journey, noting every interaction point. This map will guide the content of your demos.

Step 3: Design a Storyboard Template

Develop a storyboard template to organize your ideas visually. This makes it easier to discuss and refine concepts with your team.

Step 4: Customize Demos for Different User Groups

Tailor and activate personalized demos targeted at your defined personas.

Step 5: Measure and Optimize

Track the effectiveness of your demos. Set benchmarks for user engagement and analyze the data to see if these goals are met.

Step 6: Deploy to Potential Customers

After making necessary adjustments based on your findings, launch your demos to potential customers to advance them through the buying process.

5. Showing Social Proof

Talk about the outcomes for a customer:

  • What were they doing to solve the problem before?
  • How are things better with your solution?
  • What is the quantifiable benefit or business outcome?

Record interviews with customers and use the above clips as your social proof.

Social Proof Post Template

As a one person content team at Pecan, Susan Sivek doesn't have time to sit through hours of sales calls to understand her customers.

But she needed to close the gap between what sales needed and what she was marketing.

This is how she uses AI do the heavy lifting.

Letterdrop analyzes her sales calls for her. She can now find:

💠 Common obstacles to AI adoption

💠 How to refute each objection systematically

💠 FAQs backed by call data to put up on the website

... all in under ten minutes

"Instead of having to listen to calls on 2x and maybe finding those little nuggets, I can see them directly." - Susan

Are you a Gong power user like Susan? Drop me a DM and I can help you get those valuable call insights, immediately.

Social Proof Video Template

Q: What Problems Did You Face Before Refinelabs?

A: We knew there were gaps, and we didn't have the in-house expertise to fill them. We thought we knew there were some things that could be improved, just from a measurement, reporting, and attribution perspective. Hybrid attribution modeling and all those sorts of things—we knew there was a better way of approaching them.

Q: How Did RefineLabs Help You?

What we found out through the course of our engagement with RefineLabs was that it's not just about the ads you serve. And I know this sounds so basic, but it's about the strategy that's going into your entire marketing ecosystem, your entire go-to-market ecosystem. RefineLabs really helped us connect the dots between our marketing strategy, sales strategy, and category strategy, and how that's going to come to life through messaging and positioning. This, in turn, creates a higher velocity pipeline for our sellers. It was a pretty significant sea change in our overall strategic approach.

Q: What Was the Business Impact of RefineLabs?

A: With their help, we increased win rates by 64% while lowering acquisition costs by 67%.

6. Engage With Others Talking About the Problem

Latch on to influential people publicly talking about the problems your products address.

Comment on their posts, create posts mentioning them, and direct these posts tactfully to your solutions and assets.

Problem-Aware Post/Comment Template

We do it because it works!

Ryan Patel Zach Francisco and I saw about a +15% reply rate when we build trust first. People want to buy from people who educate instead of spamming.

We actually collected some numbers here on the impact of social selling on our meeting booked rate:

A Playbook on Creating Content That Converts in 1 Hour

Now you have an idea of where to begin with your LinkedIn campaigns, why not read our playbook on doing this at scale for all your content within an hour?

Check out the guide.

Read the guide on quick, defensible content

Read how to create compelling, defensible content at scale in 1 hour

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