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Marketing Strategy
min read
November 2, 2023

How To Use Sales Calls as a Marketer

Parthi Loganathan
CEO of Letterdrop, former Product Manager on Google Search


  • Sales calls provide valuable insights for marketers to understand customer needs and pain points.
  • Tools like Gong and Letterdrop can help analyze sales calls and extract key information.
  • Sales calls can help identify zero search volume keywords and create targeted content.
  • Sales calls bridge the gap between marketing and sales, allowing for better collaboration and sales enablement.
  • Customer quotes and language from sales calls can add unique and valuable content to marketing campaigns.

No Marketer enjoys the harsh reality of campaigns that fall flat, and you're no exception. Even after dabbling in traditional avenues of market research, you still feel like you don't really understand the "why" behind customer decisions or the pain behind their problems.

You're not alone. Most marketers are disconnected from their customers. And the most important thing in marketing comes down to understanding your ICP: their aspirations, their worldviews, their existing processes, and what they care about. And the solution is simpler than you realize.

You can learn all of this and more about your customers by listening to sales calls. Hearing what they want "directly from the horse's mouth" is your best bet at identifying questions they ask and how to make them happy. Tools like Gong and Letterdrop make this easy for you.

We'll show you how using these tools to pull insights from sales calls can help you create content that lands.

#1 Sales Calls Help You Find Zero Search Volume Keywords

Did you know that 15% of searches every day have never been searched before?

They're low or zero search volume keywords. Your customers are asking questions that have good keywords and have probably Google searched them.

They give you an edge because:

  • Tools like Semrush and Ahrefs haven't picked up on them yet
  • You have an opportunity to rank for keywords that your competitors aren't aware of. And how could they be if you get them from internal data like sales calls?

Calls allow you to pick up on what customers are actually looking for, giving you a competitive edge and a way to solve their problems with content.

How Can Gong Help?

  • Smart Filtering: Gong's filtering system lets you search for key terms mentioned in calls, and lets you view by customer mentions only. You're able to see exactly what questions are being asked so that you can tailor your content accordingly.
  • Save Calls with Key Moments To Your Library: You can save whole calls or specific moments to the Gong library to share with your teammates or refer back to later.

Filtering calls to key moments in Gong
Filtering calls to key moments in Gong | Source: Gong.io on YouTube

How Can Letterdrop Help?

The only problems with using Gong are that you need to:

  1. Listen to entire calls to find key information. You don't always have time for that.
  2. Know what you're meant to be searching for.

Letterdrop integrates with Gong and automatically goes through all your recordings for you, pulling out questions and themes. You don't have to sit through entire calls to find key moments.

The Letterdrop-Gong.io integration lets you identify content ideas automatically
The Letterdrop-Gong.io integration lets you identify content ideas automatically

#2 Sales Calls Help You Create the Right Sales Enablement Content

Every day, your sales reps answer questions off the cuff. They're out there with no backup. They need better marketing materials and sales enablement content to share with prospects to close deals faster.

At Letterdrop, our cold email response rate increased by 4% after we started including helpful, problem-aware content in our prospecting email sequences. Here's an instance where we booked a demo.

We booked a demo after using helpful sales enablement content in an prospecting email
We booked a demo after using helpful sales enablement content in an prospecting email

People forget that the relationship between sales and marketing is a symbiotic one, and that's because marketing and sales don't communicate effectively.

Sales calls are a bridge between the two departments: they allow you a window into what your sales team needs so you can help them.

#3 You Can Use Answers From Your Sales Reps to Inform Content

Remember that symbiotic relationship we mentioned?

  • If you have a good Sales Team, they're well-trained to give great answers to customer questions.
  • You can listen to these and incorporate them into your content.

How Can Gong Help?

Going back to the Gong filtering system: if you want to find answers your sales reps are giving, you can filter down your search to view by team mentions only.

How Can Letterdrop Help?

Letterdrop has an upcoming feature to create first drafts of sales enablement posts for you using questions from your customers and answers from your sales reps.

#4 Sales Calls Give You Unique Customer Quotes

SERPs are all starting to look the same. AI-generated and copycat content hasn't cut it for a while now. Google's SGE, Information Gain patent, and Perspectives filter mean that you need to be adding net new information and unique insights to your content to get ranking.

Customer conversations are a great source for quotes and perspectives that aren't possible for your competitors to copy. If you want first-party data to bolster your arguments, use these.

For example, we used snippets from an interview with an experienced dev marketer from Census to boost an article on developer marketing.

Using quotes to bolster our content on dev marketing
Using quotes to bolster our content on dev marketing

How Can Letterdrop Help?

Letterdrop has an upcoming feature to pull quotes for you as you write.

#5 They Introduce You To Customer Language

The best marketers use the language of their customers when writing to them.

Listening to sales calls can tell you what kinds of words customers use to describe their problems.

Use this vocabulary to establish trust and connection with your ICP in your writing.

Sales Calls Connect Marketing and Sales to Customers

Listening to sales calls provides valuable insights that go beyond what traditional keyword research tools can offer. By analyzing these calls you're able to create targeted content to address your ICP's specific needs and give your sales team the support they need to close deals. Tools like Gong and Letterdrop can help you tap into the power of sales calls to keep your marketing campaigns on track.

If you want to learn more about how we can help you streamline your content ops, reach out to us.

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