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March 8, 2024

How to Write an SEO-Optimized Blog Post in 2024

Parthi Loganathan
CEO of Letterdrop, former Product Manager on Google Search


  • Key Components of Good Content: Understanding search intent, providing unique information, and following technical SEO are crucial for Google ranking.
  • Meeting Search Intent: SEO-optimized content should answer search queries effectively and minimize "pogo sticking" between articles.
  • Google Ranking Factors: Addressing search intent, offering new insights, technical SEO, and content quality are among the important ranking factors.

You're a Content Marketer, and after months of SEO efforts, your content is still struggling to rank at the top of Google. This can be extremely frustrating — and worrying. You've used all the right keywords and even sprinkled in some backlinks. So why aren't you ranking?

There may be some finicky SEO rules and tactics that are slipping under your radar. This is fixable, though. You just need to understand the three components of good content for Google:

  1. Understanding search intent and what kind of answer the user is looking for.
  2. Bringing net new information to the table and not saying the same stuff that everyone else is saying.
  3. Following best practices for technical SEO so that Google's bots can read and understand your page.

If you're not bringing in qualified traffic, you're not contributing to the top line through conversions. Cue awkward questions from your VP of Marketing. Best to avoid.

Why SEO Optimize Your Content?

Content is valuable for customer education and will help your customers buy from you.

But unless it's seen, it's useless. Makes me think of that saying, "if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

You can and should distribute via email and social, but those are ephemeral channels. You don't want one-hit wonders.

You've already spent the money and time creating the content. The best chance at getting it seen is with SEO. SEO-optimized content is evergreen and can attract visitors forever from Google.

How Long Should a SEO Optimized Blog Post Be?

Lots of sources claim that longer posts, especially those of 1,000 words or more, perform better on the SERPs. This isn't necessarily true — article length is not a ranking factor. As long as you answer search intent and go for complete topical coverage, you can have a blog post of any number of words.

The Goal of a Page Optimized for SEO Is to Answer Search Intent

What is Search Intent?

Search intent comes down to finding out why someone searches and what they are looking for. Search intent falls into four buckets:

  1. Informational. They're looking for specific information and answers to questions.
  2. Navigational. The searcher is looking for a specific website.
  3. Commercial. They're researching products for future buying decisions.
  4. Transactional. They're looking to buy something.

If you're creating content, you probably want to focus on Informational and Commercial searches. Product pages best serve transactional queries, and Navigational queries are just people forgetting the website's URL.

Google tries to rank content that is best at answering search intent.

Your Goal Is to End the User's Search Journey By Answering Search Intent

The first link that a searcher sees on Google should, in theory, have all the information they're looking for and effectively end their search.

The first link that appears after entering a search should end the search journey

But if a user bounces from the page and "pogo sticks" between other articles, it means the content failed to answer their search.

An example of "pogo sticking" between articles because search intent wasn't answered

While this isn't a Google ranking factor, your goal is to answer search intent as best as possible. Focus on creating content that ends the search journey. At that point, you can intercept and drive visitors to action like clicking links to other pages on your site, subscribing to your newsletter, or booking a demo.

What Are Google Ranking Factors?

There's a lot of speculation on what are actually ranking factors. This leads to confusion and the spread of misinformation in SEO land. Here are some confirmed factors that influence ranking:

  1. Search intent answered
  2. Net new information
  3. Technical SEO, or clean site structure
  4. Strong domain authority and topical authority
  5. Links, both internal and backlinks
  6. Content quality
  7. User experience, such as mobile friendliness

It's important to note that some of these factors are outside your immediate control, like your website's authority. It's best to focus on what is in your control.

How to Optimize a Blog Post for SEO

There are eight steps to writing and optimizing your blog for SEO.

  1. Identifying your keyword
  2. Understanding search intent
  3. Outlining your content
  4. Writing your content
  5. Differentiating with information gain
  6. Technical SEO optimization
  7. Internal linking
  8. Refreshing content

1. Identifying Your Keyword

You should target keywords that will drive new business for you through conversions (either today or later). There's no point in high-traffic keywords that do absolutely nothing to move the needle for your company.

You should focus on long-tail, bottom-of-funnel keywords — these tend to be more competitive and more likely to drive action.

How to Pick a Keyword

1) Listen to Customers and Communities

The best way to find keywords that prospects care about is through your customers. This is a great way to find "zero-search" keywords that you can't find in keyword research tools.

  • Listen to sales calls and chat with them directly to learn what questions they're asking and what they might be searching for.
  • Look at the questions asked in online communities where your ICP is active, like Reddit, Slack, and LinkedIn.

You can automatically extract keywords directly from sales calls in Letterdrop

2) Use Keyword Research Tools

Tools like Ahrefs, Letterdrop, and Semrush are great for figuring out your keywords and save you from manual searching.

Understand search volume, difficulty, and related keywords

Here's how to use keyword research tools:

  1. Put in the primary term you think is relevant to you.
  2. Look at related terms and narrow down what's most relevant using modifiers like "how," "best", and "what."
  3. Focus on long-tail keywords with lower competition and more nuanced search intent. You won't rank for competitive keywords unless you're a big site with high domain and topical authority. For example, a person searching for "what is customer support?" is not ready to buy a tool like Zendesk. Someone searching for "how to automate customer support responses from knowledge base" is.
  4. Don't read too much into search volume. Use it as an order of magnitude estimate. Especially for niche topics, it's unlikely there's any keyword data available. We repeatedly see companies drive unqualified traffic because they index on search volume over the relevance of their product to the audience.

2. Understand Search Intent

Once you choose the keyword, you need to figure out how to best answer the question the searcher is asking.

Here's How To Figure Out Search Intent Manually

  1. Put your targeted keyword into Google.
  2. Go through the top pages to see what they're talking about.
  3. Determine whether the search is informational, navigational, commercial or transactional by taking note of modifiers. Example: "How to" searches are informational. "Login page" is navigational. "Best X software" is commercial. Any search that features the word "buy" is transactional.
  4. Take note of the dominant format. Are the top results mostly lists or video content? You want to use the same format to stay competitive.
  5. Look for a Featured Snippet to figure out how to write an even better one.

Here's How Letterdrop Can Help Determine Search Intent, Fast

Letterdrop's SEO tool has a Search Intent feature that can help you eliminate the need for manual search intent analysis.

  1. Input your keyword and click "Analyze."
  2. The results tell you the probable search intent in plain English, and whether your search is informational, navigational, commercial or transactional.
  3. The tool scans top pages and tells you the right format to use: text, images, or video.
  4. If one is present, the tool suggests an answer to the Feature Snippet, which you can automatically add to your content.
  5. If you've provided a company description in Settings, the tool gives you a score for the likelihood of conversion.

Letterdrop's search intent feature

3. Writing the Outline

‎Now that you understand what the user is looking for, you can begin outlining your content. You may want to jump straight into a draft, but in good business writing, articles are 80% outline and 20% writing. Think of an outline as a plan of attack on what to cover. They help establish the logic and organization of a piece, allowing you to reason through a topic.

Starting with headings for sections — H2s, H3s, and H4s for example — lets you lay out the thought process of what you want to say.

Article structure in a piece by Census

Here's what an article structure might look like:

  • H1 — Main title
  • H2 — Introduction
  • H2 — Question about the topic
  • H3 — List item that strengthens argument
  • H3 — List item that strengthens argument
  • H3 — Takeaway
  • H2 — Question about the topic
  • H3 — List item that strengthens argument
  • H3 — List item that strengthens argument
  • H2 — FAQ
  • H2 — Conclusion

Here's an example of an outline:

An outline our writer drafted with justification for her sections

How to Figure Out Outline Structure for Your Keyword Manually

When researching the outline structure of top pages, it's important to remember that just because they show up in top results, it doesn't mean they're good. They might just be the best out there that's indexed by Google. Your job is to do better and to close any information gaps.

  1. Read through the top pages and study their structure. See how they answer search intent and understand what they do well or poorly.
  2. Understand what these pages have answered for searchers. Think about how you can answer the same questions better.
  3. Figure out what they're not covering and what angles you can take. Spot information gain opportunities to differentiate your content.
  4. Write down your headings and organize them in a way that flows logically.

An example of companies taking different angles on the same topic
An example of companies taking different angles on the same topic to provide information gain

Don't just copy what everyone else is saying. I can't stress this enough. Your copycat content is unlikely to rank, especially if a bigger site than you with better domain authority has already covered the topic well.

This has been true for a while now, but in the wake of Google's Information Gain patent, SGE and Perspectives, it's become even more important that you differentiate content.

Letterdrop Shows You What's Covered and How to Stand Out with Your Outline

Going through top articles section by section, trying to take note of what's been covered and what hasn't... it's a lot of work.

There's no need for that manual effort with Letterdrop. The tool scans top pages and tells you:
1. What has been covered on the topic already. You can insert unique sections automatically using the + button

2. How you can add net new information to cover gaps in topic coverage with the Information Gain feature. These are your best bet at ranking since you're covering topics that:

  • answer search intent
  • haven't been explored extensively on the SERP yet

Optimizing for topic coverage and information gain

2. What else searchers are looking for in the "People Also Ask" section (which you can auto-generate)

People Also Ask suggestions and automation
People Also Ask section in Letterdrop

You can also generate an outline, which condenses information from top pages to give you a jumping-off point.

📢 Tip: Work backward from search intent when outlining to understand how to answer the reader's question ASAP. People have no patience; give them what they want, detail, and examples.

4. Writing Your Blog Post

Now that you've got your outline, it's time to get writing.

Here are some tips for writing your blog post:

  1. Optimize your blog title by keeping it short and concise, while naturally including your keyword.
  2. Write succinctly and be structured. No novel-writing. Your reader shouldn't need a search-and-rescue team to find key information. The goal is to get important info across and answer their question. Your content should be easy to skim.
  3. Let AI tools help you write. ChatGPT can give you examples of how to write a section and help you expand on ideas if you're feeling uninspired. Use it intelligently as an assistant and not in lieu of thinking for yourself. It's prone to fluff, hallucinating, and rehashing information that's already out there.
  4. Use frameworks. Examples include PASO and TAS. Scout for good business writers and see how they use frameworks to improve your writing. Get inspiration on good writing from top writers. At Letterdrop, we get inspiration from Fenwick, Animalz, and Paul Graham for business writing.
  5. Be engaging. Remember that your reader is human. Sure, maybe they're googling "how to pay corporate taxes" and just looking to get on with their day. But if you can help them while putting a smile on their face or inspiring them, they might be more inclined to share it with a friend (or potential customer). There's still a place for good storytelling and humor in business writing. It doesn't have to be boring.

How Letterdrop Can Help Streamline Writing

The Letterdrop AI can help you:

  1. Write individual sections
  2. Implement frameworks
  3. Summarize pages
  4. Summarize and turn video transcripts into different formats

1. Letterdrop Can Write for You

1 . Type '/' in the editor and select "Write for me."

Letterdrop's "write for me" feature

2 . Enter your prompt.

Entering a prompt for the AI to complete

3 . Generate your result.

The results of using Letterdrop to "write for me"

2. Letterdrop Can Use Help You Write Better with Frameworks

1. Type '/' and pick whether you want to write an introduction, conclusion, or individual section.

2. Choose a framework. Letterdrop offers frameworks like PASO (Problem Agitation Solution Outcome), TAS (Thesis Antithesis Synthesis), AIDA (Attention Interest Desire Action), and BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front).

3. Fill in all the fields as prompted.

4. Hit generate.

3. Letterdrop Summarizes Web Pages

This is useful for quick read-throughs of blog posts and for repurposing existing content for your article.

1. Copy the link of the web page and paste it into the editor.

2. When prompted, click "Summarize." You can optionally specify what format you're looking for in the output. Save a template for later use.

Fill in the desired layout for your page summary
Fill in the desired layout for your summary

3. The results will be generated in the editor and notification tray so that it's easy to copy the text to your clipboard.

The results are generated in the editor and in the notification tray
The results are generated in the editor and in the notification tray

4. Letterdrop Can Summarize Video Transcripts into Different Formats

1. Paste your video link into the editor.

2. When prompted, fill in the desired structure of your output. In this case, I used the default layout.

Fill in the desired layout for your video transcript
Fill in the desired layout for your video transcript

3. Click "Summarize." You can optionally specify what format you're looking for in the output once again.

5. The "Keyword Coverage" Feature Lets You Do a Sanity Check on Coverage

The Keyword Coverage feature compares your content to top pages and shows you:

  • % of terms you've covered
  • Word count
  • Headings
  • Images and media

It offers a list of the most common topics and orders them by importance. You can automatically add headings and keywords to your content by clicking on them.

Keyword coverage feature
Keyword coverage feature

We recommend using this as a quick sanity check to see that you're actually on topic. Keyword stuffing isn't going to get you ranking.

5. Making Sure Your Content is Unique

I've already touched on this, but I'll repeat it: if you're rehashing what's already been said, you won't rank. You must seize any opportunity for information gain and find ways to add unique perspectives to your content.

We've written a guide on optimizing for information gain and perspectives, but the TL;DR is:

  • Conduct original research that Google will cite. Use charts, tables, and illustrations to present your findings.
  • Interview experts and customers so that you have defensible unique information from primary sources that others can't copy.
  • Cite statistics. You can pull them straight from the across web using Letterdrop.

For example, Gong analyzed their email campaigns and used the data to write a unique guide on creating cold emails that convert. Proprietary data is impossible to copy, and readers have been given information that they can't find anywhere else.

Using proprietary data like Gong sets your content apart
Using proprietary data like Gong sets your content apart

For statistics, you can use tools like Letterdrop to pull stats from across the internet.

Auto-add stats with Letterdrop to make content unique
Auto-add stats with Letterdrop to make content unique

6. Search Rater Guidelines

If you're in SEO, you may have heard of EEAT, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. If your content doesn't abide by EEAT guidelines, it may not rank as high in search results.

  • Experience refers to how much first-hand experience the author of any content has with the subject matter.
  • Expertise refers to the level of knowledge and skill that you have in the field. It's better to take medical advice from a physician than a freelance writer.
  • Authoritativeness refers to the level of recognition you've earned in your field or industry. For example, you wouldn't get SEO advice from a travel blog.
  • Trustworthiness refers to the level of reliability that you have established with your audience. Is the site a sketchy anonymous forum or a prominent and widely cited resource?

Here's how to optimize for each one:

Optimizing for "Experience" in EEAT

  • Share your first-hand experiences on the topic.
  • Show evidence of your experience, such as credentials in your bio, screenshots, and more.

Optimizing for "Expertise" in EEAT

  • Differentiate your content by suggesting new points of view.
  • Regularly audit your content to keep up with the latest information and for any changes in search intent.

Optimizing for "Authority" in EEAT

  • Use unique first-party data like graphics, studies, quotes, and videos in your content. This helps you optimize for information gain and Google's Perspectives, too.
  • Interview experts and use that data in content. This helps you optimize for information gain and Google's Perspectives, too.
  • Comarket with brand-name authors and experts, such as asking them to write guest posts for your site.
  • Cite credible websites and sources.
  • Credit other authors and creators on graphics and other assets that aren't yours.

Optimizing for "Trustworthiness" in EEAT

Trustworthiness refers to the level of reliability that you have established with your audience. Is the site a sketchy anonymous forum or a prominent and widely cited resource?

  • Include your credentials and experience in your author bio.
  • Only link out to reputable websites and sources.
  • Structure your pages with clear headings and make it easy for users to navigate to the right answers.
  • Put the most important information and assets at the top of the page.

You want to keep this evaluation criteria in mind while creating your content. You can use tools like Letterdrop to provide suggestions on how to adhere to EEAT for you.

Letterdrop's EEAT Checker will evaluate your content against Search Rater Guidelines

7. Technical Optimization

Clean site structure allows you to tailor what you want Google, and visitors, to see.

It helps Google understand and index your pages. This increases the likelihood of ranking well on the SERP.

It also makes navigating your pages a more user-friendly experience because it's easier for people to find the information they're looking for.

How to Do Structural Optimization Manually

You need to go through your content to make sure you follow all of these rules (and more):

  1. The title shouldn't be cut off in the SERP.
  2. Images need alt text.
  3. Images need proper file names.
  4. You shouldn't have more than one H1.
  5. You need at least two or three internal links.
  6. At least one high domain authority external link.
  7. Are there broken links?
  8. Did you use H2-H6 headings appropriately?
  9. Skimmable structure, such as bolding, lists, natural language, etc,
  10. Keyword use in introduction to make it clear what this article answers.
  11. Keyword use in conclusion to make it clear what this article answers.
  12. Add "noindex" to category and tag pages to prevent duplicate content.
  13. No keyword stuffing.

Going through all those rules manually would drive anyone crazy, and there's no guarantee you'll get them all.

At Letterdrop, we have over 60 different rules we look for. The SEO Optimizer tool runs your content through them and alerts you if you break any.

Letterdrop can automatically identify and even fix some of these for you:

  • It can auto-add alt text and captions.
  • It can naturally insert your keyword in a sentence to the intro and conclusion as a suggestion with AI.
  • It can auto-generate a TL;DR for you with AI to make it easier for readers to skim.
  • It can auto-generate FAQs with AI to answer People Also Ask Questions.
  • It can auto-generate answers to the Featured Snippet if available and insert a section for you with AI.

8. Add Internal Links

Internal links help search engines and users understand how your pages relate to one another.

Here is how to use internal links:

  1. Include 3-5 internal links per blog post.
  2. Use relevant anchor text when hyperlinking, including keywords of the target page instead of generic phrases.
  3. Direct readers from high-traffic pages to high-conversion pages, guiding users through the conversion funnel (only where relevant of course).
  4. Regularly check existing blog posts for broken links before publishing your page, ensuring that all links are functional and lead users to the intended destinations.

You can create a spreadsheet to track your links across all pages, but it does get difficult once you've published even a few dozen pages.

Letterdrop can:

  • Suggest relevant internal links per blog post, which you can add in one click.

Letterdrop suggests and automates internal links per blog post
Letterdrop suggests and automates internal links per blog post
  • Suggest and publish internal links in bulk across your pages.

9. Monitor and Refresh Published Content

Even once your content is published, your SEO housekeeping continues.

Sprucing up existing content for SEO can drive more traffic, and it costs a lot less than pushing new content campaigns. You want to refresh your existing content regularly. It's often the highest ROI activity for your SEO efforts.

How to Do Content Refresh Monitoring Manually

You can use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to find and fix pages that need an SEO refresh:

1 . Check Google Analytics (Reports -> Engagement -> Pages and Screens) to find pages that previously brought in traffic but have declined.

Tracking whether traffic is declining for a specific page in GA4

Solution: See if ranking has dropped or if general interest in the topic has declined.

2 . Use Google Search Console (Search Results -> Pages) to identify pages that rank low for their target keyword but rank for unrelated keywords.

You can see the different keywords your page is ranking for and average ranking for each in Google Search Console

Solution: Consider splitting the page into multiple more targeted pages.

3 . Use Google Analytics (Reports -> Engagement -> Pages and Screens) to find pages with high engagement rates but low views.

A high engagement percentage and low views means people like the page but don't know how to find it

Solution: You need to make sure you're distributing enough to the right channels.

4 . Use Google Search Console (Search Results -> Queries) to identify pages that are close to ranking in the top positions but need a final push.

An example of a page that is almost in the top 5, as shown in Google Search Console

5 . Perform a Google search using the syntax " (topic)" to identify any instances of keyword cannibalization where multiple pages compete for the same keyword.

Solution: Think about combining very similar pages.

Letterdrop Automatically Identifies Pages Needing an SEO Refresh

Monitoring content with GA4 and Google Search Console can take a day or two of effort every month. Letterdrop cuts it down to minutes.

Its Content Refresh Monitoring Dashboard can alert you to pages that:

  • are almost ranking
  • need to be split
  • are facing keyword cannibalization
  • have low traffic despite high engagement
  • are declining
  • need to be distributed again
  • have opportunities for People Also Ask sections

Automatic content refresh monitoring Letterdrop
Letterdrop alerts you to needed SEO improvements. You can auto-publish fixes from here

‎It integrates with Google Search Console to give you an overview of page performance, too.

Letterdrop integrates with Google Search Console to give you an overview of page performance
Letterdrop integrates with Google Search Console to give you an overview of page performance

Here's how our writer uses Letterdrop to help her write SEO articles:

At the End of the Day, You're Just Trying to Help People with Content

Yes, there's a whole bunch of technicalities around SEO, but it mostly boils down to answering people's questions well. Remember to write for people first, bots second.

If we can help you focus on your customers and abstract away the technicalities of SEO, reach out. Letterdrop is built by a team that formerly worked on Google Search. We want to encourage people to think about SEO in a healthy way that makes the internet a better place AND helps you get in front of your customers (in a way that makes you look smart so they trust you).

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