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How to Get Complete Topical Coverage Automatically with Letterdrop

If you want to rank in 2024 and beyond, you need to be giving readers all the information they could possibly need on a topic to answer search intent — including net new information.

Most SEO tools out there claim to help you with SEO but promote keyword stuffing. They weren't working for companies like Scribe.

Now, Scribe has 11x'ed their qualified traffic and paid signups from SEO after onboarding Letterdrop, which helps them target complete topical coverage and optimize for the future of SEO.

This playbook will show you how to get set up with Letterdrop to do the same.

How it Works

  1. Enter your keyword in the SEO Optimization tab in the Letterdrop editor
  2. Use the "What's Already Covered" tab and generative AI to cover topics that are already covered
  3. Access suggestions for information gain
  4. Add a People Also Ask section
  5. Check your coverage

The Playbook

Step 1: Navigate to the Letterdrop Editor

After logging in to Letterdrop, navigate to Blog → Posts → Write new post (or, if you want to check coverage on an existing post, open a blog post on the list.)

Write a new blog post Letterdrop

Step 2: Analyze Your Keyword in the SEO Optimization Tab

Once inside the Letterdrop editor, navigate to the SEO Optimization tab, enter your keyword, and click "Analyze."

The SEO Optimizer tool in Letterdrop

3. Automatically Add Existing Topics to Your Content

To complete tasks for steps 3.1 and 3.2, open the "What Should You Cover?" tab.

Topical coverage section in Letterdrop

3.1. Add Top-Page Headers

1. Navigate to Headings from Top Pages

2. Click on a heading to add it to your text automatically

Adding headings from top pages automatically with Letterdrop

3.2 Add Unique Sections from the SERP Using the "What Is Already Covered?"

1. Go to the "What is Already Covered?" section to access top-page topics and view their sources

2. You can generate unique sections from the SERP by clicking the "+" symbol

Auto-generating unique SERP sections Letterdrop

3.3 Optional: Use the "Outline" Tool to "Research Dump" for You

The "Outline" tool condenses SERP information into dedicated sections for you.

You can choose to generate the result in the form of headers and bullets or a full article.

This should help serve as the foundation of your article.

1. Click "Create Outline"

Create outline Letterdrop

2. Choose your preferred output (for this example, I chose headers and bullet points only)

Outline generation option Letterdrop

An AI-generated outline Letterdrop

4. Find Opportunities for Covering Information Gaps using the Information Gain tab

Steps 4, 5 and 6 are accessed under the "What Should You Cover?" tab.

Topical coverage section in Letterdrop

1. Go to the "Add New Information" section

2. Use these suggestions to help you close information gaps on the SERPS

Cover information gaps Letterdrop

5. Add a "People Also Ask" Section

  1. Click on the "People Also Ask" section
  2. You can auto-generate snippet into your text by clicking "+"

Automatically cover People Also Ask Letterdrop

6. Check Your Coverage

1. Under "What is Already Covered?", click on the "Check my Coverage" option to check your topical optimization. Everything highlighted in blue has been covered

Checking topical coverage Letterdrop

2. The "Keyword Coverage" section lets you do a sanity check on which keywords you've used compared to top pages. Remember, this is just a check, and you shouldn't stuff keywords

Checking keyword coverage Letterdrop

The Results

  • No need to lose hours manually combing the SERPs for information — you can do it in minutes
  • Scribe 11x'ed their qualified traffic (+11,58%) and paid signups (+1,735) from SEO in one year after onboarding Letterdrop
    • They saved $5,000 on an SEO agency