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June 5, 2024

Top Webflow SEO Plugins

Keelyn Hart
Content Writer at Letterdrop

While you can get away with some of Webflow's native tooling for your SEO basics, it can't help you optimize for search intent or information gain. In other words, Webflow alone can't get you ranking today.

Luckily, there's are some more in-depth SEO tools out there that plug directly into Webflow (and one is proven to 11x search traffic.)

What Can Webflow Do For SEO?

‎Is Webflow good for SEO?

We have an article dedicated to finding out, but the TL;DR is, lots of folks use Webflow alone for SEO. Here's how it's helpful:

  • It's fast. Quick load times bring up your Core Web Vitals score and help you rank better, and Webflow helps you optimize for speed. Its sites are hosted on fast Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), it has lazy loading for images, and has an option to compress redundant code.
  • It has a basic audit tool for technical SEO. The tool can identify missing alt text, skipped heading levels, non-descriptive link content, and broken ID elements on landing pages.
  • You can edit on-page elements for SEO. You can edit meta titles, descriptions, and image alt text without code.
  • It supports 301 redirects. Webflow makes it easy to ensure search engines don’t see different versions of your page as duplicate content, letting you set a canonical URL.
  • It can auto-generate sitemaps. Sitemaps lets you and Google see all of your existing pages, and Webflow can sort this out for you.

We have a Webflow SEO guide to help you check off all of the right boxes for on-page SEO.

But Webflow is first and foremost a site builder, not an SEO tool. It can cover the SEO basics for you, but that's not going to be enough to get ranking today.

This is especially true given the recent changes with Google's SGE and a general trend toward people-first optimization.

Without a Plugin, You Have To Take Care of SEO Manually for Webflow

What happens if you don't want to use an SEO plugin for Webflow?

  • You have to figure out search intent, the most frequently-used format, People Also Ask opportunities and more by scouring all the top pages on the SERP
  • You have to figure out what topics to cover and information gaps yourself
  • You have to go through your content to make sure you're following EEAT guidelines
  • You have to manually check hundreds of technical SEO rules. This includes optimizing your Core Web Vitals, following proper heading structure, avoiding keyword stuffing, and more
  • You have to manually add, track, and fix links across your pages as you scale
  • You have to track page performance yourself using Google Analytics and Google Search Console, which can take hours

Manual SEO like this can add up to six hours to your workflow.

You're too busy to lose this kind of time, which is why you need a robust SEO plugin.

Here's a shortlist of the best Webflow SEO plugins.

1. Letterdrop: A Full SEO Toolkit for Webflow

Founded by former PMs on the Google Search team, Letterdrop plugs right into Webflow and can identify SEO issues, auto-fix them, and publish changes directly to your site.

You'll find it in the Webflow marketplace.

Built to optimize for search intent and unique perspectives, it's one of the first SEO tools to actually put the searcher's journey first. It helped Scribe 11x their paid signups.

1. Search Intent Analysis for Your Webflow Pages

Letterdrop's Search Intent feature identifies:

  • Search intent type (informational, navigational, commercial, transactional)
  • Which format is best for ranking according to top results (video, landing page, article, etc.)
  • An answer to the Featured Snippet, which is uniquely generated based on top results, and which you can auto-add to your text
  • Conversion likelihood according to your business offerings
  • Which stage of the buyer journey you're writing for (unaware, problem-aware, solution-aware, or product-aware)W

Search intent analysis for your pages
Search intent analysis for your pages

2. Topics to Cover and Opportunities for Information Gain

The "What should you cover?" feature gives you:

  • Insight into what has been covered on the SERPs today so that you know what needs to be addressed. You can check your coverage as you write and auto-generate unique sections into your text
  • New topics and new angles that haven't been covered yet (such as challenges to the status quo, new perspectives, and suggestions to interview experts) to optimize for Information Gain

Optimizing for topic coverage and information gain
Optimizing for topic coverage and information gain

You can request subject matter expert quotes directly from the editor. In return, you'll get a captioned video prepped and ready for YouTube, and to embed into your blog post.

It also gives you a People Also Ask section so you can check you've answered all related questions. You can auto-generate unique results, too.

People Also Ask suggestions and automation
People Also Ask suggestions and automation

3. Condensed SERP Research for Outlining and Drafting

If you click the "Generate Outline" button, Letterdrop will condense all top-page results for you, complete with sources and stats.

You can follow up on these sources and Letterdrop will take you to the specific instance on the page where it sourced that information.

You're also able to generate a fully-fledged draft if you want to.

Condensed SERP research for outlining and drafting
Condensed SERP research for outlining and drafting

You can also add stats and quotes from top pages with the "Make it Unique with Stats and Quotes" section.

Adding stats and quotes directly from the SERPs
Adding stats and quotes directly from the SERPs 

4. EEAT Guide and Analysis

Letterdrop gives you a unique EEAT evaluation to help you make sure you are optimizing for search rater guidelines.

Personalized EEAT analysis and suggestions Letterdrop
Personalized EEAT analysis and suggestions Letterdrop

5. Automatic Technical SEO Fixes for Webflow

The Technical SEO tool runs your content through over 60 technical rules and alerts you if you break any.

It can then can then auto-fix some of these for you, including:

  • Naturally inserting your keyword in a sentence to the introduction and conclusion
  • Auto-generating a TL;DR
  • Auto-adding relevant internal links to your other Webflow pages, and more

On-page technical SEO
On-page technical SEO

6. Tracking, Fixing, and Publishing Links Across Your Site

Letterdrop has a dedicated Link Health feature that lets you identify broken links and redirects. You can fix and auto-publish them to your Webflow pages from the dashboard.

Tracking links and auto-publishing fixes Letterdrop
Tracking links and auto-publishing fixes Letterdrop

The Internal Linking dashboard lets you publish internal links in bulk across your pages — these suggestions are based on semantic terms and phrases rather than just keywords alone.

There's also a find and replace feature for Webflow and other CMSs.

Publishing internal links in bulk Letterdrop
Publishing internal links in bulk Letterdrop

7. Integrated Content Refresh Monitoring

Letterdrop connects with Google Search Console and can give you a real-time rundown of SEO issues across your pages, including:

  • Pages that are almost ranking
  • Pages that used to drive traffic but no longer are
  • Which pages need to be distributed better
  • Which pages are cannibalizing one another
  • Which pages are ranking low for the same keyword
  • Opportunities for People Also Ask

You can fix these issues from the dashboard and auto-publish changes to your site.

Automatic content refresh monitoring Letterdrop
Automatic content refresh monitoring Letterdrop

2. Semflow

Semflow is a relatively new SEO optimization tool designed specifically for Webflow sites.

It fills in some gaps in Webflow's SEO capabilities, providing actionable suggestions to improve page speed, on-page SEO, and more.

1. SEO Score and Page Analysis

The first thing you'll see when enabling Semflow is your overall site SEO score, which evaluates all the key on-page ranking factors like title tags, headings, meta data, and content. Semflow also provides a page-by-page analysis, color coding each one based on its SEO status:

  • Green = Good SEO
  • Yellow = Needs Work
  • Red = Critical Issues

This makes it easy to identify and prioritize which pages need optimization.

Page scoring in Semflow
Page scoring in Semflow

2. Page Keyword Tracking

A key feature in Semflow is the ability to set a target keyword for each page and check that it appears in important on-page elements like:

  • Page Title
  • H1 Heading
  • Meta Description

While keywords aren't as important as optimizing for search intent, this is a good sanity check to have.

3. Page Title, Meta Data, and Readability

Semflow also checks that your:

  • Page title and meta description are set
  • Descriptions contain the target keyword
  • Descriptions are the right length (between 120-160 characters)

This helps avoid common issues like duplicate titles, missing descriptions, and truncated snippets in search results.

Automate SEO Best Practices for Webflow Today

We're actively thinking about the future of SEO at Letterdrop, not just keywords.

We make it easy for you to publish SEO fixes to your Webflow pages.

Don't waste any more time on manual SEO and reach out today.

Ready to drive more traffic to your Webflow site?

SEO is changing. Make sure you're on top of the game with the latest techniques to keep your Webflow site optimized.

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